The Living Well Group is a small and friendly group that helps hospice patients living with a progressive life limiting disease with their emotional wellbeing. The group aims to help improve mood, self-care and self-esteem, reduce anxiety and find new ways to cope with life events through social interaction using meaningful and fun activities.
The Amy Johnson Community Hub, Dove House Hospice, HU8 8DH
For more information or to find out if the group could help you call
01482 784343 ext. 377 or 381 or email
You can also refer to the group here:
Refer online
“Being able to offer our Living Well Group to our patients has proved to be hugely beneficial to those that have attended and we are looking forward to welcoming the second cohort very soon. Service users have mentioned improved self-esteem, and overall wellness and have described the group as fun, worthwhile and much-needed. It is lovely to be able to welcome those who need it back into the hospice especially after having to put on hold anything like this during the pandemic.”
- Cheryl Malpass, Occupational Therapist at Dove House