Volunteering for a hospice! 

We asked a group of our volunteers what it is like to give their time to Dove House and we was bowled over with how highly they speak of Dove House and the team of staff and fellow volunteers that they work with and alongside.

So many of our wonderful volunteers come to the hospice for very different reasons. It is lovely to hear why so many of our volunteers support the hospice and what makes them keep coming back. 

“There are so many positives to volunteering, we have such lovely managers who really support us and it is a great opportunity to meet people. Volunteering for Dove House is worthwhile, I find it very rewarding giving my time to such a good cause. I feel valuable and always have fun while giving back to my community.” Adrian, Retail volunteer

“You get a personal satisfaction and a sense of wellbeing and volunteering really helps to build your confidence. I find it extremely fulfilling and enjoyable and would encourage anyone thinking about giving their time to the hospice to give it a try!” Bob, Retail volunteer

“After I retired I felt I needed to keep my brain ticking over and I always said to myself I would volunteer at Dove House and use my skills. My late husband attended the hospice and had a couple of respite stays. I give my time in the lottery department and it boosts my self-esteem and self-confidence. I feel I am helping the hospice and giving my time to save much needed money. It is rewarding supporting Dove House and I find it very enjoyable. Even just coming to the hospice once a week helps with loneliness.” Eileen, Your Charity Lottery volunteer

“Being at the hospice has helped with my anxiety and I have met some lovely people. I actually met my partner at Dove House as he is a volunteer too.” Lis, hospice volunteer

“Making friends with other gardeners, people who I would never have met before has been the best bit about volunteering for me. I love gardening and have been a volunteer gardener at the hospice for 16 years now. It is hugely rewarding and we are always looking for more volunteers to join us.”
Margaret, Gardening volunteer

“I wanted to use my spare time for a worthwhile cause, and I am! I know that at the end of the day, any money made goes towards ensuring the hospice keeps supporting those who need it. My mother-in-law spent her final years at the day centre the hospice used to run, I still have the canvas she worked on. So, I know firsthand how important hospice care is.” Mo, Retail volunteer

“You meet such wonderful people, and it brightens my day.” Brenda, Retail volunteer

“Being able to volunteer for the hospice after my partner died gave me something to focus on and the chance to express myself when I did not know where to turn to.

I feel by volunteering that I am able to do something to help those who are at the most difficult times of life.” David, Reception & Groups volunteer

“By far the best thing about volunteering is working with a team of friendly people who value whatever I do. Knowing that everything I do helps raise money to keep the hospice functioning keeps me coming back each week.” Margaret, Fundraising volunteer