How volunteers make a difference.

Dove House volunteers make such a big impact in so many different ways. We hear many times from patients, families, service users, and customers that the work that our volunteers do helped them in so many ways that we wanted to share some of them with you:

"The flowers that greeted me everytime I came to the hospice doors made me smile and it was just what I needed before I walked into see my daughter." Jenny, whose daughter died at the hospice

"I will never forget the volunteer who saw me struggling and made me a cup of tea and a slice of toast. It wasn't about the toast really but it was just what I needed." Claire, whose Mum died at the hospice

"My mum was in for pain management and one day it just all got too much for me. I needed a break but I didnt want to leave her. A volunteer noticed I was finding leaving her difficult came and sat Mum so I could go and grab a bite to eat in the cafe, refresh myself, and then be able to go back and be there for my mum." Janet, whose mum stayed at the hospice.

"I was inspired by the care we received as a family while at the hospice to become a volunteer myself. I wanted to be there for families like mine like the volunteers were there for us." Sheila, whose husband used hospice services.

"Some days I don't see anyone apart from the volunteer in my local Dove House shop. She always takes the time to ask me how I am and it makes my day." Barbara, Dove House customer

"The lady who volunteers in the Dulcies cafe really understood what I was going through when Ted was at the hospice for respite care. She helped me talk about everything and get everything off my chest." Angela whose husband received hospice care at Dove House