Silent Disco - Party Night The disco with a different

22 Nov
Hosted by:
The Pelican Pub - James Reckitt Avenue

Come along to a disco with a difference - A SIlent DIsco 

The Pelican Pub - Function Room 
325 James Reckitt Avenue, Hull, HU8  0EA

silent disco is an event where people dance to music listened to on wireless headphones. Rather than using a speaker system, music is broadcast via a radio transmitter with the signal being picked up by wireless headphone receivers worn by the participants. Those without the headphones hear no music, giving the effect of a room full of people dancing to nothing!!

There will be 2 selections of music and you can swap between them to find your favourite tunes ! Which will be the most popular playlist ? 

This is a fun event and great night out. 💃🕺

There will be a raffle on the evening too.